“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.”

Aldous Huxley

Teaching with Technology: Tools and Strategies

Something that most music teachers have had to reckon with in 2020 is the transition to remote instruction. In this article, I explore basic tools and strategies for virtual teaching.

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Teaching Philosophies and the Element of Curiosity

Ask ten teachers to write a teaching philosophy, and you’ll get as many unique perspectives. There’s one thing meaningful teaching philosophies have in common.

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A Primer to Primers: Selecting a Method

In this installment of A Primer to Primers, we’ll learn how to apply the four basic approaches to reading in selecting a piano method for use with our students.

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Omar Roy, DMA

Omar Roy serves as Assistant Professor of Piano and Piano Pedagogy at the University of South Carolina. His duties include teaching Applied Piano and acting as Coordinator of Group Piano.

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